Nenan Dane ẕaa Deh Zona

Family Services Society

Indigenous Supported Child Development (ISCD)

Assess, Connect, Support (0-6 years)

The ISCD program provides cultural safety for children throughout all areas of service. This program offers support for children 0-6 years who have identifiable special needs by providing opportunities and services necessary to establish an inclusive and culturally-safe learning environment, catered to each child’s individual need. This program is designed to optimize the child’s unique developmental progress in an environment suited to their individual cultural, societal and family values, based on assessment.

Nenan honours the cultural values first, and then works to develop specific requirements and services to meet the needs of the child, connecting children to what they need to be successful and healthy.

The ISCD program is intended to work with children before they start the school system. The ISCD is for any child with any special need: behavioral, emotional, and physical.